
Dunkeldorf: The House of Serpents

Created by King Games

Welcome to the House of Serpents, where the walls have ears, the doors have eyes and the von Struttendorf Family plots & schemes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day 8 - The All-in Pledge
5 months ago – Tue, May 14, 2024 at 03:28:42 AM

Hi everybody!

This is a short update about the All-in Pledge that we have just added to the campaign for those of you who want EVERYTHING (Well, basically everything), you can read more about it below. 

All-in: The House of Serpents Pledge

The All-in pledge is an upgraded version of the House of Serpents pledge, it also counts as an Early Bird reward, so you can safely upgrade from an Early Bird pledge to this, as you will still get Eberhard's dog for free

It contains all of the miniatures from the campaign (With the exception of the Community miniatures that are not yet done), it also contains all of the Furniture, Accessories and Pets. It also comes with a good discount compared to adding all of these Add-ons/Miniatures individually, so if you want everything, this is the way to go. 

To get this Pledge you can simply go to the Rewards section and change your pledge to the new All-in reward, or alternatively you can upgrade to the All-in pledge in the Pledge Manager later on. 

All-in: The House of Serpents Content

• 17 Miniatures (4 included for Free as Stretch Goals + Harlot Knight) 
• Early Bird Reward: Jakob, Eberhard's Dog 
• Couch, Armchair, Pouffe & Tables 
• Table Accessories & Candelabra Set 
• Fireplace 
• Bookcases 
• Otto's Pugs 
• The Harlot Knight (Counted among the 17 Miniatures) 
• The Hallway Set 
• The Pillows Set 
• Colette's Bed 
• The Pedestal Set 
• All unlocked "Serpent" Stretch Goals

What does the All-in Pledge not contain? It does not contain the A3 Art Prints, the yet to be revealed Community Miniatures and the Ottokar von Struttendorf Memorial Statue (The last one simply because we do not yet know the price)

From past experience, we know that many of you want a simple way of getting everything from our campaigns without going through all the Add-ons and so on.
Taking the All-in pledge is the first step, and the next step will be in the Pledge Manager, where we will make it easy to get the last few things mentioned above that are currently not included in the All-in pledge. 

We'll be back with another update tomorrow, and possibly a sneak peek of the concept art for one of the Community Miniatures. 
Thank you again for all the great suggestions, it's been very hard for us to decide this time as there's been a lot of ideas that we like, but we finally managed to make a decision last night :D 

- Nana & Nicki

Day 6 & 7 Unlocks
5 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 08:21:09 AM

Hi everybody! 

It's time for another update! Before we get to the latest unlocks, we wanted to mention that it's the last chance to add your ideas for the Community Miniatures, as we'll make the final decisions tomorrow :)

Day 6 & 7 Unlocks

We're not entirely sure if we'll manage to show more unlocks other than these before the end of the campaign, but we do have a few things up our sleeve still. 1-2 additional miniatures, besides the Community Miniatures and possibly some small accessories too, but you may not see these until later in May. 

Right, let's have a look at the latest Unlocks!

Belinda von Struttendorf is now available for all pledges. Additionally, all Serpent Backers receive an extra Free miniature of their choice!

Screeching Emmanuelle is now available as an Add-on, and is included for Free for all Serpent backers. 

Belinda and her brother Heinz (From our 2nd Kickstarter) attempt to get Emmanuelle to say their names

The Flower Decoration and Dorothea's Jewelry Box is included for Free for all Gold & Serpent backers. 

The Pedestal Set is now available as an Add-on. 

A grand Memorial Statue of Ottokar von Struttendorf is now available as an Add-on in the Pledge Manager. 

Below you can see a size comparison of the Ottokar model and the statue. 
Nana and I really wanted a statue for Dunkeldorf, and this seemed like a great opportunity for that. We also wanted this to be a big statue because in our own collection, we mostly have statues that are basically just miniatures that we have decided to use as a statue. 
The result being that all of the statues are the same size as the average model on our table. 

This statue is significantly bigger than a regular miniature and should certainly stand out on the table. 

We'll add the All-in pledge tomorrow, which contains most of the Add-ons and miniatures that are currently not included in the House of Serpents pledge. We'll have more information about the All-in pledge details in tomorrow's update! 

- Nana & Nicki

Day 5 - The Struttendorf Estate
5 months ago – Sat, May 11, 2024 at 04:30:27 AM

Hi everybody! 

Thanks for all your Community Miniature ideas, we've already started working on the ones we like the most, but all ideas are still welcome as we continue to brainstorm and haven't made any final decisions yet!  

Day 4 & 5 Unlocks

Pillows Set, two new Add-on sets are now available in the Pledge Manager

Henri Boutroux the Fashionista is now available for all pledges

Drawn by the talented Jerome Huguenin, the map of the von Struttendorf Estate is now available as an A3 Art Print in the Pledge Manager. 

Ottokar von Struttendorf, a new miniature is now available for all pledges. 
This is a bit of a controversial character, since this is Thusnelda's late husband, and Otto von Struttendorf's father, who was killed in combat when Otto was young. 

This is the first time that a dead guy from the Dunkeldorf story is being made into a miniature, but we have our reasons! 

The von Struttendorf Estate

This is the 3rd time that Jerome Huguenin creates a map for Dunkeldorf, and it's just as impressive as usual! Nana and I were very torn about what map to go for, a floor plan of the mansion or the estate. 

We decided on the estate as we feel that it shows the grandness of the von Struttendorf family better than a floorplan could, I mean, how many families have their own private zoo?

If you've backed a Dunkeldorf campaign before, you may remember that we are working towards releasing an RPG Sourcebook one day, where the von Struttendorf family has a big part to play in the story, and entering their estate should feel quite overwhelming for a humble adventurer. 

Below you can see a few WIP photos of Jerome's progress on the big undertaking! 

That's it for today, we wish you a great weekend, and we'll be back tomorrow with the Day 6 unlocks and another update! 

- Nana & Nicki

Day 3 - The Community Miniature(s)
5 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 06:50:39 AM

Hi everybody! 

It's time for the Day 3 Update, and this update is all about the Community Miniature tradition where we need your help with ideas for new Dunkeldorf miniatures, but before we get to that, let's have a look at the Day 3 Unlocks!

Day 3 Unlocks

Fritz the Assistant - New miniature available for all pledges

The Community Miniature(s) - At least one new miniature will be available as an add-on in the Pledge Manager (Read more further down)

The Pet Accessories - All Gold & Serpent Backers receive the Pet Bowls accessory for free, and Colette's Bed is available as an Add-on in the Pledge Manager

Officially, it may be Colette's bed, but that won't stop Otto's pug from spending time in it, if she's not arorund, that is. 

Wolfram Richter, the Travelling Judge and his Assistant/Hopeless apprentice Fritz. 

The Community Miniature(s)

This is a tradition that started with our second Kickstarter, where you help us out with ideas for one or more miniatures that you'd like to see in Dunkeldorf! 

Here's one of the Community Miniatures from the last campaign, Clotilde the Mother, wonderfully painted by one of our backers Marcello Rizza / uollas_uolsh on Instagram

We'll look through all the ideas over the next few days, and then we'll pick out a few ideas that we feel would fit well into Dunkeldorf. From there, we'll work with Christian on getting a concept drawing done, and afterwards these concepts will be turned into miniature(s) that will be available in the Pledge Manager. 

All ideas are very welcome, but we want to keep the line of miniatures consistent and the goal is that all of the Community Miniatures can fit into Dunkeldorf, so we have included a few pointers below that might be helpful :)

  • The character does not have to be related to the theme of this Kickstarter. It could be any character that you feel would fit into Dunkeldorf. But if you have ideas that fit the theme, it's more than great! 
  • The Dunkeldorf range mainly consist of human miniatures, but also a few dwarfs, halflings and elves (And a couple of ogres!). We want to stick to that, so tieflings, dragonborn etc. are unlikely to be chosen. 
  • More than one idea is absolutely fine and coming up with specific quirks or details for the character is great too! 
  •  Please write your idea as a comment for this update instead of the comments section, as that makes it much easier for us! 

All ideas are welcome, even if it might not be a perfect fit for Dunkeldorf. The characters are subject to our interpretation, and they may not end up exactly as the idea you had in mind, but hopefully you'll like the end result even if that's the case!

That's it for this time, we can't wait to hear your ideas! 

Make sure to check out the Day 4 unlocks on the actual campaign page tomorrow as we're skipping the Day 4 update, but we'll be back again with another update on Saturday!

- Nana & Nicki

Day 2: The von Struttendorf Portrait & More
5 months ago – Wed, May 08, 2024 at 05:35:37 AM

Hi everybody!

In case you missed yesterday's update: Thank you all so much for supporting our campaign, and for all the kind comments!

We have a lot to show in this update, so let's dive right into it. 

Day 2 Unlocks

Jürgen Klopp the Messenger is now available for all pledges.

Wolfram Richter the Travelling Judge is now available fo all pledges and All Gold & Serpent Backers receive 1 extra Free Miniature. 

The von Struttendorf Family Portrait is now available as an A3 Art Print in the Pledge Manager. 
All Silver, Gold & Serpent backers receive an A5 Art Print for Free

The Family Portrait

Here's a closer look at the von Struttendorf Family Portrait illustrated by Christian Schwager. 
Nana, Christian and I spent a lot of time discussing if we should include the portrait, or instead go for a few separate portraits of the family members instead, but in the end we all agreed that a family portrait would be very cool, even if it's a big piece. 

A big piece, with a lot of steps, these are just a few of them that Christian went through while working on the illustration. 

Brigitta von Struttendorf

The coach halted several miles outside the city, deep in the majestic Gruselwald forest. The restless twins needed to stretch their legs. As the excitable children dashed around noisily, kicking up dust and leaves, Brigitta seized the opportunity to reacquaint herself with the primeval beauty of the forest. Leisurely ambling, she had scarcely left sight of the Old Road when she smelled blood on the breeze, perhaps two days old.

She quickly located the source in the damp midday air. It was a hart, six or seven seasons old. Her countenance shifted as she efficiently assessed the scene. The animal was torn to pieces. One of its antlers lay broken nearby. It had been gored and there were deep punctures in its chest. There were fang marks on the neck from the sternum to the jawline. The chest was torn open, ribs splayed and broken, dried blood caked around the wound. 
Brigitta’s trained eye could tell that the heart was missing. This animal had not been slaughtered for food. In the distance, she could hear her family calling her back to the coach.

Upon arriving at the estate, Brigitta quickly stored her luggage, washed her face, and traded her traveling clothes for hunting gear. She adjusted the fine hunting leathers and sheathed her heirloom blade, a gift from the family’s Hunts Master. Her soft boots made no sound as she moved to pick up her artisan bow and hand-tooled quiver, stocked with straight and true steel-tipped arrows.

Returning to the hall and down the stairs, she saw that other guests were already arriving. Many of them looked up, expecting a lady of the manor to be descending the stairs, only to be confronted by a glowering Brigitta. There were a few gasps as Brigitta pushed her way past the fawners and sycophants, ignoring their greetings and introductions. Brigitta could not abide useless people.

She sighed contentedly as she finally escaped the smell of perfume and sweat to breathe in the crisp autumn air of the estate grounds. She turned up the path to the stables and quickened her pace. 

When Brigitta stepped into the stable, Heinrich the stable master was already waiting for her. He handed her the reigns to Blitz who snorted with impatience. She smiled and rubbed his nose, glad to see the old boy again.

“Should we expect you for dinner?” asked Heinrich, with a sly smile. She cuffed him playfully, smirking, “I should think not. I have business in the Gruselwald.” Brigitta effortlessly mounted Blitz and coaxed him towards the forest. A mystery awaited her there. The newest hunt called and she would answer.

Thanks again everybody, and a big hug and thank you in particular to all of you who are back for the 2nd, 3rd or even more impressively, 4th time! We couldn’t have done this without your support through the years ❤️

We'll be back again tomorrow with another update and the Day 3 Unlocks! :D 

- Nana & Nicki