
Dunkeldorf: The House of Serpents

Created by King Games

Welcome to the House of Serpents, where the walls have ears, the doors have eyes and the von Struttendorf Family plots & schemes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

IMPORTANT: Address Lock & More
28 days ago – Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 06:46:12 AM

Hi everybody! 

We'll dive right into the important bits straight away! 

Address Lock / Moving Soon?

We are almost ready to start shipping out, which means that we'll have to lock the addresses. We'll do this on Monday (September 23). 

If you are moving soon, then please send us a message so we can make sure that nothing goes wrong! 


We are just about to start shipping out! This is about 6-7 weeks earlier than we had initially expected, which is great, but! It does mean that the production is not entirely finished yet, and that we're still missing a few batches. For now though, we have plenty to get started! 

In the past we would usually wait until we could start shipping out everything all at once, which is often a bit stressful and hectic. 

This time, we have decided that we want to get started as early as possible. This means that some of you will get your pledge very soon, and some of you will have to wait a little longer, until the last batches of casts have arrived.  

Tracking Information

All packages will be sent with tracking (Possibly with a few exceptions depending on the destination country). 

Once your pledge has been packed, a shipping label will be created and at that point you'll receive an email notification with a tracking number. 

For most countries, you can use this tracking number to keep tracking the package once it reaches the destination country. 

For example, US backers can type the tracking number into USPS' system and UK backers can type it into Royal Mail's system to keep tracking the package. 

Other Stuff

Two small accessories didn't make it into the campaign, but we managed to squeeze them into the production. We'll include 1 or both of them with random pledges as freebies. 
We only have a photo of one of the two accessories, the tray shown below. 

The Dunkeldorf Community

We love to see what you do with your Dunkeldorf miniatures, and if you're not already aware, we have a Community group on Facebook where you can show your painted miniatures or just talk about Dunkeldorf! Find the group here: The Dunkeldorf Community


  • We're locking addresses on Monday (September 23) - Write to us if you're about to move!
  • Some of you will receive your pledge sooner than others, as the production is still ongoing. 
  • Keep an eye on the tracking notification, and remember that you can track it with the official postal service of your country as soon as it has been scanned there. 

We can't wait for you to receive your pledges and we hope you'll enjoy the miniatures! 
Do send us a message if there's anything we can help with or if there are any issues with your pledge, we'll get it sorted out! 

We'll post the next update in October, and by then, a lot of you will hopefully have received your pledges! 

- Nana & Nicki

Pledge Manager Deadline
about 2 months ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 04:55:53 AM

Hi everybody! 

This is just a brief update to inform you about the Pledge Manager deadline, but also the status of the production! 

Pledge Manager Deadline

The vast majority of surveys have been filled out already which has been a great help in terms of getting the right production numbers. There's around 10% missing right now, so if you haven't filled out your survey yet, check out the information below. Otherwise you can scroll on! 

Pledge Manager Deadline: September 8 - You should be able to find the link to your survey by searching for an e-mail sent by BackerKit. We'll also send out reminder e-mails through BackerKit soon. 

If your survey isn't filled out after September 8, there's a risk that you won't receive your pledge on time. Also, it's a big help for us if you fill it out as soon as possible, as it makes the production easier :) 

Production Status

Nothing but good news here! Everything is running smoothly and we're ahead of schedule. We currently estimate that we'll be able to start shipping out a month sooner (Or more) than we had anticipated, but we can't say for sure until we're a bit closer. 

These days we're sorting through thousands of metal miniatures and resin scenery, organizing it all in small boxes and so on. 

I snapped a few quick photos, and the most interesting photo is probably the last one, where you can see some of the actual resin casts, which we haven't shown before. 

That's it for this time! Next update will have some more concrete news about when we start shipping out, and all the relevant details related to that. 

- Nana & Nicki

IMPORTANT: The Pledge Manager
4 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 05:56:03 AM

Hi everybody!

It's time for the Pledge Manager! This update covers (Hopefully) everything you need to know and we'll get straight to it. 

General Information

  •  We recommend, if possible, that you use a PC, or something other than a smartphone when using the Pledge Manager. There's a lot of add-ons and scrolling through them on a phone screen could be overwhelming. 
  • You can pay with either Credit Card or PayPal in the Pledge Manager. PayPal will be charged instantly. Credit Cards will be charged on a weekly basis, so expect your card to be charged within 7 days after completing the survey. 
  •  If you "Overpledged" during the Kickstarter campaign, you can use the excess funds as credit for add-ons and shipping in the Pledge Manager.
  •  Completed surveys will be locked on a weekly basis, but if you forgot to add something after your survey has been locked, just send us a message and we'll see what we can do!

If you don't need any guidance with the Pledge Manager, you can go ahead and skip to this part: Going 100% All-in.

The Pledge Manager 

For the Pledge Manager, we're using BackerKit as we have done for our 4 previous campaigns. BackerKit uses a "Smoke Test" system, where 5% of backers will first get the survey. This is to catch any potential problems early on. 

---> We will send out the Smoke Test tomorrow and then the remaining surveys later in the day or on Thursday <---

If you're new to Kickstarter and Pledge Managers, this is what you can do in the Pledge Manager: 

  • Upgrade your Pledge if you wish. 
  • Choose the miniatures for your Pledge
  • Choose any Add-ons you wish. 
  • Fill out your address & pay for shipping

Upgrading Your Pledge

Did you miss out on upgrading your pledge during the Kickstarter and wish to do so in the Pledge Manager? Then here's how to do so. 

What you see above should be the very first thing you see when you get to the Pledge Manager. Click the "Switch your Pledge Level" link and then this pops up: 

Click on the Pledge you wish to change to and click the Switch button at the bottom, and then you've changed your pledge!

Remember that the All-in Reward counts as an Early Bird, so you will receive Jakob, Eberhard's dog for free if switching to it. 

Choosing Miniatures

After step 1, you get to the "Choosing your Miniatures" step (If you have chosen the All-in Reward, you will be getting all of the miniatures except for the Community Miniatures, and this step will be skipped). 

Here, you simply choose the miniatures you would like for your pledge, keep in mind that the Community Miniatures and The Harlot Knight are not available here and must be chosen as Add-ons. 

Depending on your reward, you get to choose X amount of miniatures. 

  • Copper Reward: 1 Miniature (No Stretch Goals)
  • Silver Reward: 8 Miniatures +2 from Stretch Goals, 10 total. 
  • Gold Reward: 8 Miniatures +3 from Stretch Goals, 11 total. 
  • House of Serpents Reward: 8 Miniatures +4 from Stretch Goals, 12 total. 

Once you have chosen the miniatures you want, you can then continue to the Add-ons section. 

Choosing Add-ons

If you wish to add any Add-ons, this can be done at this stage. You can find everything from the previous Dunkeldorf Kickstarters here as well. 

In case you're unsure what's included in your Pledge, there's an overview on the right side (This may not be the case if you fill out the survey on your phone). You can double check the list to make sure that you don't order any duplicates. 

Going 100% All-in

Even if you have chosen the All-in Pledge, you will need to add a few extra things if you want to get EVERYTHING from this campaign. These are marked below. 

If you're interested in the artwork from the campaign, you will also need to add the von Struttendorf Estate Map & The Family Portrait as shown below


As mentioned on the campaign page, bases are not included with the miniatures, but they can be added in the Pledge Manager if you're interested in any of the bases that we offer. 

If you plan on using scenic bases, simply remove the "Dunkeldorf base tab" before you glue them onto the base. 

Please note that the 20mm Round Bases are for Kids and Pets miniatures, 25mm for regular sized miniatures and 40mm for the ogres. 

The Community Miniatures & Extras

Here's a closer look at the Community Miniatures and the Extras. We decided to change Sibylle's hair and compared to the original version (Which was done as well), we feel that this one works best. All in all, we're super happy about how they turned out. 

Pugs of War, the two pugs are done as well! The picture below is a 3d render as we haven't had time to print them yet, but we don't expect any reworks on these two. The pug on the right will come in two parts. 

Finally, we have an additional add-on a set of books! it's a bit out of the blue perhaps, but Nana and I had wanted a detailed set of books for quite some time and it fits well with the theme and in particular Wolfram Richter the Traveling Judge and his assistant Fritz. 

Ottokar Memorial Statue

Here's the final version of the Ottokar Memorial Statue. We decided to remove the vines as we felt it worked better without them. We absolutely love this piece and it looks quite impressive on the table! 

Ottokar Alternative Miniature

We are considering adding the statue version of Ottokar as a miniature to the Pledge Manager as well. This is currently undecided and very last minute, but if we do so, you'll be able to find it in the "Community Miniatures & Extras" section. 

This version would be slightly different with a shorter cloak and adjustments to the head, and it would of course be much smaller than the statue too! 

Seasonal Miniature

For those of you who don't follow us on Facebook/Instagram, you may have missed that we released our first Seasonal miniature last year. The Drunken Santa miniature which is based on Helmut from The Prancing Peacock Kickstarter can be picked up in the Pledge Manager as well if you want it. Unlike the other miniatures, this one is cast in resin instead of metal. 

Speaking of metal miniatures, here's a look at a selection of the first casts that we received a few weeks ago, the casts are magnificent and we're very excited to hear what you think about them when you receive them later this year! 


We're nearing the end now, just a few extra details below and then we're done :D 

Pledge Manager Deadline

We will give a heads up about the Deadline in the next update. We currently expect to keep the Pledge Manager open for about 6 weeks, but the quicker you complete it, the easier it is for us to manage the production. 


All orders will be shipped with tracking and we'll of course cover all details when we're closer to fulfilment. We're quite optimistic that we'll be able to ship out sooner than our initial estimate, but as always, we can't promise anything until we're a bit closer! 

Thank you!

Once again, thank you all for supporting the campaign! Having just spent time with the BackerKit setup, we can see that many of you have backed several of our campaigns before, and the statistics even tell us that around 75 of you have backed all 5 of our campaigns, which is just amazing to us. Thank you! 

If you have any questions or if you notice something that looks off once the Pledge Manager is live, don't hesitate to write to us, we're here to help :)

We'll be back with another update next month!

- Nana & Nicki

The Community Miniatures - Concepts
5 months ago – Mon, May 27, 2024 at 05:04:14 AM

Hi everybody! 

It's finally time to take a closer look at the Community Miniatures, but before we get to that, we wanted to mention our plans for the Pledge Manager first. 

The Pledge Manager

Since everything from the past Dunkeldorf campaigns will be available in the Pledge Manager, it does take us a bit of time to set up, which means that we currently don't have an exact launch date for it yet. Our rough estimate is that we'll have it ready (Along with the sculpts of the Community Miniatures and the extras seen below) in about 3-4 weeks. 

In the Pledge Manager you'll be able to choose Add-ons, upgrade your pledge and pay for shipping/fill out your address. The next update will cover everything you need to know about all of this :) 

The Community Miniatures

As mentioned in a previous update, we liked a whole lot of the ideas this time, and it was very difficult for us to make a decision!

I believe that the Community Miniatures for this campaign are the ones we've spent the most time on, out of all the campaigns. The Vampire in particular proved extra tricky for us, and we tried out a few different approaches, until all the pieces fell into place and it felt like a Dunkeldorf character. 
We personally feel that these are among the best designs of all the Community Miniatures so far, and that Christian made some wonderful concepts of the characters. We hope you like them as well! 

Karl Messer the Fixer

A muscle type of guy / someone to do the dirty work for the von Struttendorf family. 
Oddly, this type of character hadn't crossed our minds for this campaign, but with a criminal underworld in Dunkeldorf and a bunch of corrupt officials in the town, this character makes a lot of sense, and it ended up being our first choice!

If the von Struttendorfs need something cleaned up (And we're not talking about a spill), if some individual needs a bit of.. persuasion, or if someone needs to disappear... permanently, then there's a big chance that you'll see Karl around the estate. 

While Karl can easily handle himself, he does have a network of spies, hirelings and criminals to handle a variety of tasks for him, but if it's a delicate matter, he'll take care of it himself, with great pleasure. 

The Vampire

Countess Sibylle von Rozenburg the Vampire

Two of you suggested a vampire for the Community Miniature, and we simply couldn't resist the opportunity to include one in Dunkeldorf. As mentioned in a previous post, we primarily add characters that fit into the Dunkeldorf story, but when it comes to the Community Miniatures, we're not so strict, and it's a fun opportunity for us to add something we perhaps wouldn't have done otherwise. 

We didn't want to exaggerate the vampire theme with fangs, armour and a goblet filled with blood, but instead keep it more subtle and in line with the rest of the Dunkeldorf miniatures. 

We feel that this look strikes a good balance and that she'd fit into a ballroom, but at the same time it's clear that she's no ordinary noblewoman (Her stiletto is obviously a dead giveaway, but anyone ending up seeing it, probably won't live long enough to tell the tale!)

Extra Stuff!

In addition to the two Community Miniatures, we have a bit of extra stuff that will be available in the Pledge Manager too, which you can see below. 


First off, we have a few minor accessories that may make it into the Pledge Manager, but nothing definitive yet, but we thought we should mention it nonetheless. 

Sigismund the Adventurer

Here's someone who didn't make it into the Kickstarter campaign in time, but will be making it into the Pledge Manager instead! Young Sigismund was used to a good life among the aristocracy, but due to some unfortunate circumstances he has had quite a fall from grace, and is now forced to a life of adventuring to make ends meet. 

Pugs of War & Adventure

We better quickly point out that we won't be able to do all of the pugs shown below. We will however be doing a set containing two of them. Which ones aren't entirely decided yet!

That's it for this time, we really hope you like the concepts of all the Community Miniatures and the extras! 
We'll be back with the next update right before we launch the Pledge Manager, with all the relevant information about it :) 

- Nana & Nicki

Thank you!
5 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 03:33:57 AM

Hi everybody! 

Thank you all so much for supporting the campaign! And once again, thank you for all of the kind comments along the way, it really means more than you can imagine, and it motivates us to make Dunkeldorf even better! 

We really enjoyed working on this campaign, and we honestly feel that these are the finest Dunkeldorf miniatures yet and we can't wait for all of you to see them later in the year. 

As we mentioned in a previous update, we still have a few things left to show! We'll get to that later in May, first up we have the Community Miniatures which we'll show in the next update, as we weren't quite ready to show a preview yet. 

We can however reveal that one of the Community Miniatures is a Vampire, which is something that we have never considered adding to the Dunkeldorf story, as there's already a lot of plots and things going on in the story and adding vampires would probably be a bit much. 
But having a Female Vampire as a Dunkeldorf Community miniature was just too good an opportunity for us to ignore! We want the Community Miniatures to fit into the Dunkeldorf story, but they may not be an integral part of it, so this was a perfect way to add something fresh to the line. 

A bit of information

Here's a bit of useful information:

If you missed out on upgrading to the All-in Pledge, you'll be able to do so in the Pledge Manager. 

We'll tell more about the Pledge Manager in the next update, this is where you can choose Add-ons, pay for shipping and all of that! It'll be a little while until it goes up, and we don't know the exact date yet, but more about all of that in the next update. 

If you're new to Kickstarter and Pledge Managers and all of that, then don't worry. For now you don't need to do anything until the Pledge Manager is launched, and we'll tell everything there is to know about it in future updates! :) 

If you're unsure about anything at all, don't hesitate to contact us, you can send us a direct message here on Kickstarter and we'll reply as quickly as possible!

Failed Payments

Failed payments, a credit card might be refused or not have coverage etc. - Kickstarter will immediately send out an email to you if this happens, and they'll continue to do so for some days. Please check and see if you have received one of these emails. If you don't take the steps necessary to resolve it, then Kickstarter will automatically drop your pledge. 

Next Week

We'll be back with an update next week, about the Community Miniatures and more details about what's going to happen next in terms of Pledge Manager, production and all of that!  

A huge THANK YOU from all of us who have worked on this project, we're so happy that you like what we've done ❤️ - We'll be back with another update soon!